How to Add a Popup on Shopify: Unlock Your Sales Potential

If you’re looking for a way to increase your sales, you may want to consider adding a popup on your Shopify store. Popups are an effective way to capture the attention of your visitors and persuade them to take action. In this blog post, we will show you how to add a popup on Shopify using the popular Corano Shopify Theme. Let’s get started!


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What is a popup?

A popup is a graphical user interface element that appears on top of a webpage or browser window. It is usually a small window that suddenly “pops up” on the screen, designed to capture the visitor’s attention and promote specific content or actions. 

How to Add a Popup on Shopify
What is a popup

Popups are commonly utilized in online marketing and email SMS marketing strategies to achieve various goals, such as growing email lists, promoting special offers, guiding visitors to perform specific actions, or providing additional information. 

By using tools like Elementor, website owners can design and customize these popups according to their brand’s style, ensuring consistency with the rest of the website’s design while effectively engaging and interacting with website visitors.

Why use a popup on your Shopify store?

Using popups on your Shopify store can offer several benefits:

  • Collecting Email Subscribers: Popups are effective for growing your email list by encouraging visitors to subscribe to newsletters or updates.
  • Promoting Special Offers: Popups can highlight sales, discounts, or limited-time promotions by increasing the chances of visitors making a purchase.
  • Reducing Cart Abandonment: Exit-intent popups can target users about to leave the site by offering discounts or incentives to persuade them to complete their purchase.
  • Increasing Conversions: Popups can guide visitors towards desired actions, such as signing up, adding items to their cart, or engaging with content, ultimately boosting conversion rates.
  • Showcasing New Products: Popups can introduce new arrivals, bestsellers, or featured products, increasing their visibility.
  • Announcing Important Updates: Popups can notify important messages like shipping updates, store hours, or policy changes.

Types of Popups

There are sevewral types of popup availble. Some of them are given below:

Regular Popups

Regular popups are the common type of popups seen on websites, often rectangular and positioned in the middle of a webpage. Frequently used alongside lead magnets, such as free e-books or videos, these popups serve to attract potential customers. They are also employed for announcing promotional offers like Valentine’s Day, Christmas, or Black Friday sales. 

Setting up regular popups is straightforward and does not require extensive customization, making them perfect for beginners in the popup realm. Due to their simplicity, they are an ideal choice for those new to using popups for marketing purposes, offering an uncomplicated yet effective way to engage visitors and promote special offers.

Slide in Popups

Shopify popups come in various forms, including slide-ins. Unlike traditional popups that can be intrusive and often disliked by visitors, slide-ins offer a more subtle approach. These popups discreetly “slide in” from the edge of a visitor’s screen, sometimes unnoticed. 

The benefit of using slide-ins lies in their non-intrusive nature, avoiding the “in-your-face” annoyance often associated with standard popups. Slide-ins provide a smoother and less disruptive user experience, making them a preferred choice for many, as they strike a balance between delivering important messages and respecting visitors’ browsing comfort.

A sticky bar, also known as a floating bar, offers a non-intrusive way to convey important announcements or promotions on your website. Unlike traditional popups, sticky bars remain fixed at the top or bottom of the page, ensuring they are visible as visitors scroll. These bars are ideal for showcasing announcements and promotions like free shipping offers without disrupting the user experience. 

While they effectively grab attention, sticky bars maintain a subtle presence, making them a user-friendly alternative for engaging visitors and conveying key messages without interrupting their browsing experience, ensuring important information remains within sight throughout their site exploration.

Exit-intent Popups

One type of Shopify popup is the Exit-intent Popup. Instead of bombarding visitors with popups upon arrival, it strategically appears when users are about to leave the website, known as exit-intent popups. These popups aim to re-engage visitors who might otherwise leave. 

They serve as effective tools for tasks like abandoned cart recovery, encouraging visitors to reconsider their actions by presenting enticing offers or information just before they exit. This approach avoids irritating users upon arrival and increases the likelihood of retaining their interest and conversions, such as completing purchases, making it a valuable strategy for online store owners.

Multi-step Popups

Multi-step popup shopify offers a unique approach to engaging website visitors. After they submit their email in the initial step, the magic happens. These popups typically consist of two to three steps. Step one collects their email, while step two reveals a heartfelt thank-you message, offers a gift or requests additional information. 

This interactive strategy enhances user experience, personalizes interactions, and fosters a sense of appreciation for their engagement. It’s a thoughtful way to build a connection and potentially boost conversions, turning a mere opt-in into a meaningful exchange that benefits both the visitor and the website owner.

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Benefits of Using a Popup on Shopify

Utilizing popups on your Shopify store can offer a range of benefits to both you as a store owner and your customers. Some benefits of using a popup on Shopify are given below:

Increased Conversions: Popups can effectively capture visitor attention and encourage them to take specific actions, such as purchasing, signing up for newsletters, or engaging with promotions, leading to higher conversion rates.

Grow Email Subscribers: Popups are excellent for building your email list. By offering incentives like discounts or exclusive content, you can entice visitors to subscribe to your newsletters, expanding your customer base.

Reduce Cart Abandonment: Exit-intent popups can target users who are about to leave your site without completing a purchase. Offering discounts or incentives at this crucial moment can persuade them to reconsider and complete their order, reducing cart abandonment rates.

Promote Special Offers: Popups can highlight limited-time offers, sales, or promotions, ensuring that visitors are aware of these opportunities and encouraging them to make a purchase before the offer expires.

Improve User Engagement: Interactive popups, such as quizzes or surveys, can engage visitors and provide valuable insights into customer preferences, helping you tailor your email SMS marketing strategies accordingly.

How to Add a Popup on Shopify

Adding a popup on your Shopify store can be an effective way to capture leads and engage with your customers. If you’re using the Corano Shopify theme, you can easily enable pop-ups without any coding. Follow this steps by steps guide:

Log in to your Shopify Store: If you don’t have a Shopify store, sign up for one. You’ll need a Shopify account to access the admin dashboard.

Navigate to Online Store: In the admin dashboard, find and click on “Online Store” in the left-hand menu.

Select Themes: Under the Online Store section, click on “Themes” to manage your store’s themes. Then click on the “Customize” button

Go to Theme Customization
Go to Theme Customization

Access Theme Settings: Go to the Theme Customize option. Click on “Settings” in the left-hand menu bar and click on it.

Enable Newsletter Popup: You will find the newsletter popup option in the theme settings labeled “Newsletter.”

Click on the Newsletter
Click on the Newsletter

Choose Popup Options: Within the Newsletter Popup settings, you can integrate with Shopify’s built-in email forms or third-party email services like MailChimp. Select the option that suits your needs.

Enable the Popup
Enable the Popup

Configure Popup Details: Create a popup with your email address and set the button name. Customize the popup description, title, and newsletter style according to your store’s branding and preferences. This is where you can tailor the popup to your specific requirements.

Save Changes: Click save after configuring the popup details. Make sure to save your changes or settings.

Publish the Popup: Finally, to activate the popup and make it visible to your customers, you may need to publish it. This can vary depending on your theme and how it’s set up. Look for a “Publish” or “Save” button in the theme customization or settings.

Test the Popup: Before making the popup live, it’s a good practice to test it to ensure that it appears as expected and functions correctly. This includes subscribing to your newsletter to confirm that the email capture process works.

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How To Make Your Popups More Effective

After considering how to add a popup on Shopify, it is also important to make sure that your popups are more effective in engaging and converting your website visitors. Here are 5 key tips to improve the effectiveness of your popups:

Display Your Popups to Targeted Audiences

Targeting is crucial. Use tools and data analytics to identify your target audience, their preferences, and behaviors. You can create different popup campaigns for different user segments based on factors like location, referral source, browsing history, and more. This ensures that your popups are relevant to the people seeing them.

Display Your Popups at Relevant Times

Timing is everything. Display popups at strategic moments when they are most likely to be noticed and acted upon. For example, you can set triggers like time on the page, scroll depth, or exit intent. Timing can also depend on the nature of your website and the specific goals you want to achieve.

Add an Enticement

Give your visitors a compelling reason to engage with your popup. Offer something of value, such as a discount, a free e-book, a webinar, or exclusive content. Ensure your offer is clear and attractive, and emphasize the benefits visitors will receive.

Use Relevant Images:

Visuals play a significant role in capturing attention. Use high-quality and relevant images that complement your message and the overall design of your website. Ensure that the images enhance the user experience and are not distracting.

Make Your CTA Strong

Your Call to Action (CTA) should be clear, concise, and action-oriented. Use persuasive language that encourages visitors to take the desired action. Highlight the benefits they’ll gain from clicking the CTA button. Additionally, you can experiment with the design of your CTA button, making it stand out through color and placement.

Frequently Ask Questions

Can I customize the appearance of my popup?

Yes, most popup builder tools, including those integrated with Shopify, offer customization options. You can customize the design, layout, colors, text, and images to match your brand’s aesthetics.

Does Shopify have built-in popups?

No, Shopify doesn’t have a built-in popup feature. However, you can use third-party Shopify apps or plugins to create and manage popups on your store.

Can I preview the popup before making it live on my Shopify store?

Yes, most popup builder apps allow you to preview your popup before making it live. This feature lets you ensure the design and content are perfect before displaying it to your website visitors.

Can I add a Shopify popup app to my Shopify store?

Yes, you can add a Shopify popup app to your store. There are various popup builder apps available in the Shopify App library that you can install and integrate with your store to create effective popups for marketing and promotional purposes.


As shoppers browse through your Shopify store, they may experience a variety of emotions. Excitement at finding the perfect product, disappointment when something is out of stock, or even impatience as they wait for pages to load. Adding a popup to your store can provide a subtle reminder of promotions or sales and a prompt to join your email list for future updates.

But simply having a popup isn’t enough – it must be relevant, eye-catching, and non-intrusive. With the right design and implementation, a popup can be valuable for driving engagement and conversions on your Shopify store.

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